Tester Slams Vote on 479-Page Tax Giveaway: “This is Washington D.C. at its Worst”

Senator Blasts Washington Politicians for Releasing Massive Reform Bill Just Hours Before Vote

(U.S. Senate)—U.S. Senator Jon Tester today slammed a 479-page tax giveaway, calling it “Washington D.C. at its worst.”

In a video that went viral within minutes, Tester blasted Washington politicians for releasing the massive reform bill just hours before it is expected to receive a vote, leaving the Senate with almost no time to read the bill.

“This is unbelievable,” Tester says in the video. “We are doing massive tax reform on an absolute incredible timeline. This is going to affect everyone in this country. It is going to shift money from middle-class families to the rich. We were given this bill 25 minutes ago, and we are supposed to vote on it in a couple of hours.”

The Senate is currently debating the unknown bill, which has been hastily re-written behind closed doors many times this week.

As they attempt to plow through nearly 500 pages of impossible-to-read, hand-scribbled text, Senators have discovered a series of secret pet projects and sweetheart deals that were snuck into the bill late Friday night.

The bill was brought to the floor for amendment votes less than two hours after being released to the public.
