Tester’s campaign finance reform provision moves to Senate floor

Senator would require Senate candidates to electronically file finance reports

(U.S. SENATE) – Senator Jon Tester’s bipartisan proposal to more quickly disclose Senate campaign finance reports is one step closer to becoming law.

The Senate Appropriations Committee today approved Tester’s bipartisan effort that requires all U.S. Senate candidates to file their quarterly campaign finance reports electronically with the Federal Election Commission.

Senate candidates currently only have to file paper reports with the Secretary of the Senate, leading to delays that prevent the documents from being publicly available online for months – often even until after an election. This antiquated process costs taxpayers nearly $500,000 every year. Candidates for President and for the U.S. House of Representatives are already required to file their campaign finance reports online.

“Information is power, and voters have the right to know where candidates get their money before they cast their ballot,” said Tester, who voluntarily e-files his campaign finance reports. “This provision will put candidates on an even playing field and provide the public with the accountability and transparency they deserve.”

The committee’s approval adds momentum behind Tester’s Senate Campaign Disclosure Parity Act. The bipartisan measure previously passed out of the Senate Rules Committee.

Tester, a staunch advocate for greater transparency and accountability in elections, recently hailed the Senate Judiciary Committee’s passage of his Constitutional Amendment that reduces out-of-control spending in elections.

He also recently blasted the Supreme Court for its McCutcheon decision that struck down contribution limits that had prevented individuals from giving political organizations more than $123,000 each election cycle.

Tester’s provision was included in a broader measure funding the U.S. Congress for the coming year. It also prohibits Members of Congress from receiving a pay increase and prohibits the federal government from spending money on official portraits of Members of Congress.
