Tester, Baucus defeat provision to undermine energy security, jobs

Senators support military's work to reduce dependence on foreign oil, boost demand for Montana-made fuels

(Washington, DC) – Montana’s U.S. Senators Jon Tester and Max Baucus today successfully removed a provision in the Defense Authorization bill that would have limited the military’s ability to purchase American-made fuel like Montana Camelina. Tester and Baucus wrote a letter to Senate leaders urging the provision be removed from the bill last week, and they co-sponsored the amendment that passed the Senate today.

Baucus rallied votes for he and Tester’s amendment on the Senate floor ahead of today’s vote.

“I rise today in strong support of the amendment to protect the military’s ability to purchase American-made fuels,” Baucus told his colleagues on the Senate floor ahead of today’s vote. “Powering our military with American-made energy makes our country safer and our economy stronger. Tying our hands and forcing the American military to depend on foreign oil is short-sighted and dangerous. Instead, we need to give our commanders the flexibility to power our military with home-grown energy, like Montana camelina that supports jobs right here in America.”

“Smart investments in home-grown energy sources grow our economy and increase our energy independence,” Tester said. “Our military’s leadership in alternative energy will strengthen our national security and create jobs here at home.”

In each of the last two congresses, Tester and Baucus introduced the “Freedom Fuels” bill to expand the military’s ability to contract for American-made alternative fuels.

