Tester Votes to Override Biden Veto and Enforce ‘Buy America’ Rule He Wrote into Law

Senator voted to override a veto from President Biden that would waive Buy America requirements for EV Chargers and allow purchases from China;

Tester wrote the Buy America rule into his Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

U.S. Senator Jon Tester today voted to override a veto from President Biden that would waive Buy America requirements for electric vehicle (EV) charging stations and allow Chinese-bought materials to be used for production. Tester wrote the Buy America requirement into his Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and opposes the Biden Administration’s decision to go around his rule and allow materials to be purchased from foreign adversaries in this case.

“President Biden needs to follow the law and enforce my Buy America rule, but his actions could put our foreign adversaries ahead of American-made manufacturing,” said Tester. “That won’t fly with me or with hardworking Montanans, which is why I voted to override the President’s veto and send a clear message that American infrastructure should be built with American-made materials and American jobs. I wrote my Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to support Montana and our country, and I’ll continue to stand up to President Biden and anyone in Washington to make sure we remain the world’s leading economic superpower by reducing our reliance on foreign adversaries for goods.”

In November, Tester voted in favor of a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution to overturn the Biden Administration’s decision to sidestep the Buy America rule for EV chargers. President Biden vetoed the Tester-backed CRA.

Tester’s “Buy America” rule requires the use of American-made steel, iron and other construction materials in infrastructure projects funded through his bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). Tester was the only member of Montana’s congressional delegation to support the bipartisan infrastructure law, and was one of the lead bipartisan negotiators who crafted the package.

Tester worked across the aisle for months to negotiate the IIJA with a group of five Republicans, four Democrats, and the White House. Tester also worked to ensure that all iron, steel, and construction materials used for these projects must be made in America. Tester’s law is projected to create more than 800,000 American jobs and lower costs for businesses by making targeted investments that will strengthen our nation without raising taxes on working families.

Tester secured significant wins for Montana in the legislation, including $2.82 billion for Montana’s roads, highways, and bridges; $2.5 billion to complete all authorized Indian water rights settlements; $1 billion to complete all authorized rural water projects through the Bureau of Reclamation; $65 billion to deploy broadband to areas across the country that lack internet access and additionally make online connectivity affordable; and $3.37 billion to reduce wildfire risk nationwide, among others. A full list of Montana provisions in Tester’s bipartisan infrastructure law can be found HERE.
