ADVISORY: Tester announces Senate hearing in Havre

July 2 Homeland Security Committee field hearing will focus on northern border

(WASHINGTON, D.C) – Senator Jon Tester will chair a Senate Homeland Security Committee field hearing in Havre next month to examine security challenges along the nation's northern border with Canada.

The hearing, called "Securing the Northern Border: Views from the Front Lines," will begin at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, July 2, in Hensler Auditorium at the Montana State University-Northern campus.  The hearing is free and open to the public.

Tester organized the hearing in response to security threats along the 4,000 mile northern border, which is in many places unguarded.  Tester's hearing will look at how effectively the U.S. Department of Homeland Security works with state and local partners, as well as its own staff and technology to address the challenges of securing the border. 

Witnesses scheduled to testify during the hearing include:

  • Brenna Neinast: Chief, U.S. Border Patrol-Havre Sector
  • Dan McGowan: Administrator, Montana Disaster and Emergency Services
  • Robert DesRosier: Director, Disaster and Emergency Services-Blackfeet Nation
  • Sheriff Donna Matoon: Toole County, Montana
  • Loren Timmerman: President, National Treasury Employees Union-Chapter 231 (Port of Sweetgrass)
  • Kris Merkel: President, S2 Corporation (Bozeman)
  • Dr. Alex Philp: President, GCS Research (Missoula)
  • U.S. Department of Homeland Security (Witness TBD)

Following the hearing, Tester will take questions from the public on border issues.

EVENT: U.S. Senate field hearing on northern border security
Public Q-and-A period to follow

DATE/TIME: Wednesday, July 2 at 10:00 a.m. MDT

LOCATION: Hensler Auditorium
Montana State University-Northern, Havre

