Tester Announces Text of Historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Legislation Has Been Completed

Senator: “Our country can’t wait another minute for this legislation”

After working for months with a bipartisan group of his colleagues and the White House, U.S. Senator Jon Tester today announced that the final text of the bipartisan infrastructure legislation had been completed.

“This is a big step forward in the process that will allow Montanans to see exactly what’s in this legislation and the critical, targeted investments it will make in our state and our economy,” said Tester. “For months, I’ve worked with my Republican and Democratic colleagues to ensure this legislation will upgrade Montana’s aging infrastructure, create good-paying jobs, and help us maintain our competitive edge over China-all without raising taxes on working families. This legislation does that and more, and I’m going to roll up my sleeves and keep working with my colleagues across the aisle to get this bill across the finish line.”

Now that the legislative text is completed, the Senate will consider amendments before voting on final passage.

Last month, after months of negotiations, Tester and the bipartisan group of nine other Senators went to the White House to announce they had reached an agreement on the framework of a historic, bipartisan infrastructure package to create good-paying jobs by making urgently-needed investments in Montana’s roads, bridges, broadband, water and more.


