Tester: Bailout bill ‘doesn’t deserve my vote’

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – Senator Jon Tester, a member of the Senate Banking Committee, released the following statement after deciding to vote against the proposed $700 billion economic bailout bill:

“After reading this legislation carefully, asking tough questions, and hearing from thousands of Montanans, I have decided this bailout proposal doesn’t deserve my vote.

“I don’t believe it’s tough enough to protect American taxpayers and small businesses.  It doesn’t require the common sense regulations needed to prevent this mess from happening again.  It doesn’t go far enough in stripping golden parachutes from the bad actors on Wall Street.  And it passes too much debt on to our kids and our grandkids.”

Tester has voted numerous times for extending renewable tax credits and for funding the Secure Rural Schools (SRS) and Payments In Lieu of Taxes (PILT) programs.  Tester said he will continue to support these programs, but not if they’re tied to the bailout bill.
