Tester Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Award Capitol Police Officer Eugene Goodman a Congressional Gold Medal

Officer Goodman saved lives by luring insurrectionist mob away from Senate chamber on January 6th

U.S. Senator Jon Tester today joined a bipartisan group of colleagues in introducing legislation to award Capitol Police Officer Eugene Goodman-who heroically lured rioters away from the Senate floor during the insurrection attempt on January 6th, 2021-with a Congressional Gold Medal, the highest honor that can be bestowed by Congress.

“When insurrectionists stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, Officer Eugene Goodman put himself between a violent mob and the Senators and staff in the Senate chamber,” said Tester. “He put his life on the line to serve and protect American democracy, and his heroic response to the confrontation saved the lives of many of my colleagues, Senate staff, and the former Vice President. Officer Goodman-and all of the Capitol Police officers who defended the Capitol that day-deserves our utmost gratitude and respect, and I’m proud to sponsor this bipartisan legislation honoring his quick thinking and decisive action.”

On January 6th, 2021, Officer Goodman was confronted by a mob of insurrectionists shortly after they breached the U.S. Capitol as members of the House of Representatives, Senate, and the former Vice President verified results of the 2020 election. Officer Goodman lured the rioters away from the unguarded entrance to the Senate floor, delaying their access to the chamber and protecting the lives of those inside. According to reports, Officer Goodman led the rioters away from the Senate at 2:14 pm; the Vice President was evacuated from the Senate chamber at 2:13pm.

Read the full text of Tester’s legislation HERE.

