Tester Honors Native American Heritage Month with Senate Resolution

Senator to commemorate heritage and history of Montana’s Tribal communities

As a senior member and former Chairman of the Senate Indian Affairs Committee, U.S. Senator Jon Tester is joining a bipartisan group of his colleagues to introduce a Congressional resolution celebrating Native American culture, heritage, and history.

Tester’s resolution officially recognizes November 2020 as “National Native American Heritage Month” and the Friday after Thanksgiving as “Native American Heritage Day”, highlighting the powerful contributions of Native Americans to the United States.

“By marking November as Native American Heritage Month, we recognize the past, present, and future contributions of Native communities to the fabric of Montana and this nation,” said Tester. “From honoring Tribal sovereignty to promoting self-governance and determination, Native American Heritage Month serves as a reminder of our trust and treaty responsibilities to Indian Country.”

In the resolution, Senator Tester and his colleagues recognize the commitment of the United States to supporting Tribal self-governance and self-determination and the contributions of Native Americans to the United States Armed Services.

“Native Americans have moving stories of tragedy, triumph, and perseverance that need to be shared with future generations,” the resolution reads. “Native Americans have distinguished themselves as inventors, entrepreneurs, spiritual leaders, and scholars…the people of the United States have reason to honor the great achievements and contributions of Native Americans and their ancestors.”

Full text of Tester’s resolution is available HERE.
