Tester Secures Expanded SNAP Benefits for Montanans

Montanans now eligible for maximum $646 in benefits

U.S. Senator Jon Tester today announced that he secured approval of Montana’s emergency allotment waiver for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Montana SNAP recipients will now be eligible for maximum benefits during the coronavirus pandemic.

“No Montanan should have to choose between paying medical bills and putting food on the table during a public health crisis, plain and simple,” said Tester. “This waiver is a no-brainer, and I’ll keep fighting to make sure no Montanan goes hungry as we combat the coronavirus outbreak.”

This increase was authorized by the Tester-backed “Phase II” coronavirus legislation that was signed into law on March 18th. The average allotment of SNAP benefits is $465 for a family of four. Now that this waiver has been approved, Montana families will be eligible for the maximum allotment of $646.

Tester has long been a champion in the fight against hunger in Montana. He slammed a Trump Administration decision last year to rip critical food aid from millions of American families. He also is backing two bipartisan bills that would increase availability for kids to receive meals in the summer through the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) in rural areas that are consistently underserved.

Tester has been working tirelessly to ensure that Montana is prepared to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. In the Senate last week, after 72 hours negotiating substantial, bipartisan improvements to COVID-19 stimulus legislation that had previously fallen far short, Tester voted to deliver critical, urgent relief to Montana workers, families, small businesses, hospitals and others hardest hit by the outbreak. This funding includes $1.25 billion for the state of Montana.

