Tester Designates Public Schools Week to Recognize Importance of Public Education

Senator: Public education is “key to ensuring the future remains bright for the 90 percent of children who attend public schools in America”

U.S. Senator Jon Tester this week teamed up with a bipartisan group of 44 of his colleagues to declare this week, February 24 – 28, as Public Schools Week and to celebrate the importance of public school teachers, administrators, parents, and students.

A former public school music teacher, Tester is a Senate Co-Chair of Public School Week and has fought tirelessly on behalf of public education in Montana.

“Our students are the bright future of this country, and a good public education gives them the tools to get there,” Tester said. “Public education makes our communities stronger, and is key to ensuring the future remains bright for the 90 percent of children who attend public schools in America. This week recognizes the importance of that education, and the teachers, administrators, and parents who make it possible.”

Tester’s resolution encourages local, state, and federal lawmakers to prioritize strengthening public education, and to provide support and programs to help students learn in safe, high-quality environments. It also urges Congress to support efforts to advance equal opportunity in public education and to strive for continuous improvement so that every child can receive an education that helps them reach their full potential.

A product of public schools himself, Tester has been a leader in providing Montana kids with the tools they need to get a quality education, particularly in disadvantaged areas. Last month, he secured $1 million for the Kootenai Valley Head Start Program, and, in recent budget negotiations, he fought to include $10 billion for Head Start programs nationwide—a $550 million increase from the previous year. He also introduced his NEST and REST Acts last year, which work to address widespread teacher shortages that impact Indian Country and rural communities across the country.
