Tester Statement on Impeachment Vote

U.S. Senator Jon Tester today released the following statement in advance of the vote on the articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump:

“Montanans sent me to the U.S. Senate to hold government accountable. I fought to allow this trial to include documents and testimony from witnesses with firsthand knowledge of the allegations against the President—regardless of whether they were incriminating or exculpatory—so the Senate could make its decision based on the best information available. Unfortunately, my Republican colleagues and the Administration blocked this information—robbing the American people of their legitimate right to hold their elected officials accountable.

“Based on the evidence that was available to me during this trial, I believe President Trump abused his power by withholding military aid from an ally for personal political gain, and that he obstructed legitimate oversight by a coequal branch of government. It’s a sad day for this country, and for all Americans who believe that no one—not even the President of the United States—is above the law.”

