Tester on Veterans Day: ‘We have a responsibility to those who protect our freedom’

U.S. Senator Jon Tester, Ranking Member and Montana’s only member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, today released the following statement to commemorate Veterans Day:

“On Veterans Day, we pause to remember our veterans, and honor the enduring sacrifice of our men and women in uniform, as well as their families. They represent the very best of this country, and their sacrifices have come at a high cost. There are lives lost, physical injuries, and far too often, unseen wounds of war. As a grateful nation, we have an obligation to ensure that those who bravely answered the call to duty have access to quality health care, good jobs, and safe and affordable housing when they come home. We have a responsibility to honor our commitment to those who swore an oath to protect our freedom. Today, and every day, we say thank you to all who have served.”
