Trump Signs Tester's 18th Bill into Law

East Rosebud Protection Act Joins Long List of Bills that has Tester Spearheaded Through Divided Congress

(Big Sandy, Mont.)-President Donald Trump has signed U.S. Senator Jon Tester’s 18th bill into law.

Trump signed Tester’s East Rosebud Protection Act after it passed the Senate last week. It is the latest piece of bipartisan legislation that Tester has introduced and spearheaded through a divided Congress and gotten to the President’s desk.

“Just like every other bill that I have written and the President has signed into law, protecting the East Rosebud started with face-to-face conversations with Montanans,” Tester said. “Whether it is holding the VA accountable, protecting our streams and landscapes, upgrading equipment for firefighters, or cutting red tape for local businesses, I have been willing to work with anyone to get things done for Montana.”

Montanans are praising Tester’s leadership.

“By introducing this bill, Sen. Tester led the charge on keeping East Rosebud Creek like it is,” said Charles Wolf Drimal, Waters Conservation Associate with the Greater Yellowstone Coalition. “His leadership paved the way for our entire Montana delegation to join in, and this new law shows that protecting Montana streams and rivers simply rises above partisan politics.”

“We’re absolutely thrilled that one of Montana’s most cherished wild rivers will finally get the protection it deserves. It’s been 42 years since Montana has had a river added to the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System,” said Scott Bosse, Northern Rockies Director of American Rivers. “Thanks to Senator Tester’s leadership from the very beginning and support from the entire Montana congressional delegation, local residents along the East Rosebud will never again have to worry about their beloved river being dammed or polluted.”

The East Rosebud Protection Act will preserve 20 miles of the East Rosebud Creek in south-central Montana as part of the Wild and Scenic River System.

Trump in June signed Tester’s landmark VA MISSION Act into law to scrap the Veterans Choice Program and replace it with a community care initiative so veterans can more easily see a health care provider in their community. Tester’s VA MISSION Act is one of 10 veteran and VA reform bills that Tester has authored and Trump has signed into law.

All of Tester’s bill signed into law by President Trump are available HERE.
