Tester Named one of the Most Effective Senators in Washington

Senator Breaks Political Gridlock, Commended by Non-Partisan Center for Effective Lawmaking

(U.S. Senate)- U.S. Senator Jon Tester was named one of the most effective members of the United States Senate for his work on behalf of Montana’s veterans, service members, students, outdoorsmen and women.

The University of Virginia’s and Vanderbilt University’s non-partisan Center for Effective Lawmaking ranked Tester as the 4th most effective Senator in the minority party for the 114th Congress.

“Montanans sent me to Washington to fix what’s broken and be their tireless advocate,” Tester said. “Whether it’s holding government bureaucrats accountable, fighting back against government overreach, or relentlessly defending Montana from folks who want to change our way of life, I will always defend Montana.”

The Center for Effective Lawmaking is a joint initiative between the University of Virginia and Vanderbilt University to rate each member of Congress based on the bills they sponsor, how far those bills move through the lawmaking process, and how important they are.

Last Congress, Tester secured victories for Montana students, veterans, outdoorsmen and women, and enhanced America’s national security.

  • Tester passed legislation securing key military construction projects for Malmstrom Air Force Base, including a Tactical Response Force Alert Facility.
  • Tester passed legislation providing critical upgrades to the Montana Air National Guard’s C-130 fleet.
  • Tester passed legislation strengthening America’s national security by requiring rigorous background checks for travelers who have visited Syria or Iraq. 
  • Tester passed legislation protecting the nation from insider threats by overhauling the background check process used to obtain a security clearance.
  • Tester passed legislation giving local communities greater control in the classroom by ensuring teachers, administrators and school boards have a voice when the federal government drafts regulations. 
  • Tester passed legislation reauthorizing the Land and Water Conservation Fund so Montana sportsmen and women can access public lands. 
  • Tester passed legislation to improve access to Montana’s outdoors by addressing the maintenance backlog of trail maintenance.

Tester has also passed six bills signed into law by President Trump during the 115th Congress. A seventh sits on the President’s desk awaiting the President’s signature.

In the 113th Congress, Tester was ranked #10, and in the 112th Congress, Tester was ranked #14.

The full rankings can be seen HERE.

