Tester Statement on U.S. Attorney Nominee Kurt Alme

(Billings, Mont.) – U.S. Senator Jon Tester today issued the following statement after President Trump nominated Kurt Alme to serve as U.S. Attorney for the District of Montana:

“After speaking at length with Mr. Alme and thoroughly vetting him for this important position, I am confident that he is fit for the job. It is critical that Mr. Alme is quickly confirmed so he can hit the ground running to curb the growing meth epidemic, fight for more law enforcement officers in rural Montana, and help close the jurisdictional gap between federal, state, local, and tribal officers.”

During his interview with Alme on June 20, Tester raised a series of issues including improving communication between the FBI and tribal law enforcement officers, fighting growing meth use in Montana, and holding violent criminal offenders accountable.
