Tester Blasts Secret Partisan Health Care Plan

Senator Takes to Senate Floor to Call for Transparent and Bipartisan Health Care Reform

(U.S. Senate) – As a small group of lawmakers schemes a secret, controversial undoing of the nation’s health care system, U.S. Senator Jon Tester took to the Senate floor today to call on his colleagues to work in a transparent and bipartisan manner to bring down costs and improve access to health care.

“A handful of Washington politicians are crafting a secret health care bill that will impact every man, woman, and child in this country,” Tester said. “And we don’t know what’s in it. Montanans deserve better.”

As the only member of Montana’s congressional delegation to hold face-to-face listening sessions with people across the state, Tester highlighted some of the stories he’s heard from Montanans across the state about what’s at risk.

Speaking to his Senate colleagues, Tester highlighted the story of Julie Williams from Shepherd, Montana. Julie was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2011 and because of the current health care law she was able to receive coverage. The unpopular American Health Care Act, which narrowly passed the U.S. House of Representatives earlier this year, threatens Julie’s ability to get affordable coverage.

Tester spoke about Jennifer Williams from East Glacier, Montana. Jennifer and her husband use the preventative care services in the current health care system to stay healthy and catch ailments before they become life threatening. Jennifer and her husband’s premiums are rising and Tester called for bipartisan reform to address that problem.

“Instead of scoring political points and upending all the good things about the current health care system, Congress should be working together to lower premiums, copays, and deductibles, while increasing access to life saving medical care,” Tester said.

Tester has passed and introduced a number of legislative fixes to the current health care system. More information can be found HERE.

Tester is sharing Montana stories from the thousands of Montanans who have called his office, posted on social media, or attended one of his statewide health care listening sessions in order to let folks know what’s at risk for Montana.

Montanans can share their health care stories with the Senator HERE.

Tester’s full remarks can be found HERE.
