Tester Statement on VA Hiring Freeze

(U.S. Senate)-Senator Jon Tester, Ranking Member of the Senate Veterans Affairs’ Committee, today released the following statement on President Donald Trump’s executive order to freeze hiring at the VA:

“This executive order will make it harder for veterans to get in the door at the VA and receive the timely benefits to which they are entitled, and that is totally unacceptable. The VA is already struggling to keep the promises our country has made to the folks who served because VA health clinics and hospitals across the country are understaffed, and VA staff are too often unable to process their disability, education and survivor benefits in a timely manner. I therefore call on the President to immediately exempt the entire VA as well as any veterans looking for work from his executive order.”

Tester questioned Trump’s Office of Management and Budget nominee Rep. Mick Mulvaney today on the President’s hiring freeze at the VA, its impact on veterans seeking care at the VA, and on veterans looking to work for the federal government.

