Tester: New election spending report a ‘wake-up call’

2014 spending approaches $1 billion, dark money makes up 26 percent

(U.S. SENATE) – Senator Jon Tester today released the following statement in response to a Wesleyan Media Project report revealing that political advertising nationwide for the 2014 election cycle is approaching $1 billion and that 26 percent of ad airings are paid for by groups that do not have to disclose their donors:

“Americans casting their ballots this election will have survived an unprecedented onslaught of spending. Led by the wealthy few, groups continue to keep their donors secret, afraid to admit to the American people how much they are willing to spend to protect their elite priorities. This report is a wake-up call. We need real action to put our elections back in the hands of regular Americans.”

The study, available online HERE, highlights how interest group airings have increased eight percent from 2012 and that only three in ten advertisements are positive.

Tester is a leading advocate for reforming America’s election system. He supports two Constitutional Amendments to help regulate election spending and transparency laws that would increase transparency and reveal outside groups’ donors.

