Tester, Baucus honoring Boys and Girls Clubs of America

Senators praise group for providing role models for Montana students

(U.S. SENATE) – Senators Jon Tester and Max Baucus are pushing Congress to recognize the positive role that Boys and Girls Clubs of America plays in the lives of millions of children across the nation.

Tester and Baucus are supporting a bipartisan resolution that encourages the youth development organization to keep preparing young people for careers and calls for the development of stronger partnerships between Boys and Girls Clubs and other organizations that serve children and teens.

“The Boys and Girls Clubs improves the lives of millions of young folks, helping them succeed in our society,” said Tester. “This bipartisan resolution honors the impact that mentors make in Montana and reminds all of us of our responsibility to support and guide our next generation.”

“Investing in the Boys and Girls Clubs is investing in our kids, and I can’t think of any higher priority,” Baucus said. “The Boys and Girls Clubs gives our kids a safe and fun place to go and positive role models to help them grow into successful adults.”

“Boys and Girls Clubs provide hope and opportunity to thousands of young people in Montana so they can take control of their future as productive, caring, responsible citizens,” said Brian Dennis, Chief Professional Officer for the Boys and Girls Clubs of Yellowstone County. “Senators Tester and Baucus know the importance of getting youth involved in Clubs and their communities. This resolution makes sure our community knows the importance of the Club’s service to those who need us most.”

The Boys and Girls Clubs of America serves over four million young people in 4,000 charters across the nation.

Boys and Girls Clubs of America Resolution by danmalessa
