Tester to Montana veterans: ‘Thank you for your service’

(MISSOULA, Mont.) – Senator Jon Tester today released the following statement to commemorate Veterans Day:

To all the service members and veterans: thank you for your service to our country.

No words or deeds can fully repay you for the sacrifices that you made.

But days like today remind us how important it is to honor your service. And to never forget it.

That’s why, working together, we’ll keep fighting to improve access to health care. And to make sure all veterans get the benefits they earned.

And that’s why I worked with members of both parties to encourage small businesses to hire veterans and to cut red tape so that our fighting men and women get civilian jobs they are already trained to do.

As your Senator, I will work every day to make sure this country keeps its promises to you.

Thank you again for your service to our country.

