Tester: Decision to back off ag vehicle regulations is ‘the right call’ for rural America

Agency’s new guidance is similar to Tester’s public comment

(MISSOULA, Mont.) – U.S. Senator Jon Tester today released the following statement after the U.S. Department of Transportation announced it will not propose new regulations governing the transport of agricultural products:

“Montana’s farmers and ranchers spoke up in the nationwide call for common sense, and our voices were heard.  The last thing hardworking folks in agriculture need is more red tape getting in the way of business.  Today’s decision is the right call — a victory for rural Montana and rural America.  And we need more common sense decisions like this in the future.”

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration also released guidance “designed to make sure states clearly understand the common sense exemptions that allow farmers… to accomplish their day-to-day work and transport their products to market.”

The guidance is similar to the public comments Tester submitted to the agency last month, which said farmers and ranchers should not have to “jump through additional hoops or fill out needless paperwork in order to take care of simple, day-to-day chores.”

Tester, the Senate’s only working farmer, asked Montanans to join him in submitting comment.

Tester’s public comment is available online HERE.

