Tester’s Small Business Opportunity Workshop to be broadcast live online

All Montanans can watch Tuesday event in Missoula on Senator’s website

(BIG SANDY, Mont.) – Senator Jon Tester announced today that Montanans will be able to watch his Small Business Opportunity Workshop online Tuesday, in real time.

The February 21 event will be broadcast live on Tester’s website, tester.senate.gov/workshop, from 8 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.  The workshop, which takes place at the University Center Theater in Missoula, focuses on helping Montana women get a jump-start on opening their own small business and creating jobs.

Video highlights from the workshop will also be available on the website at a later date.

“With this technology, folks who can’t make it in person will be able to watch online and hopefully learn a few things about creating jobs and strengthening their businesses,” Tester said. “It allows us to shorten the distances across Montana, allowing people from all over the state to benefit.”

Tester’s event will feature a discussion with some of Montana’s leading female small business owners and highlight avenues women can take to get their business up-and-running. 

Hundreds of Montanans have signed up so far to attend Tester’s workshop, which is free and open to the public.  Montanans interested in attending are encouraged to RSVP on Tester’s website.

