Baucus, Tester statements on FEMA decision on Rocky Boy’s Indian Reservation

(BIG SANDY, Mont.) – Senators Max Baucus and Jon Tester released the following statements today in response to the news that FEMA will fully pay for the damage associated with the July 10, 2010 flooding:

"This is an important step toward helping the Chippewa Cree Tribe of the Rocky Boy's Indian Reservation,” Baucus said. “These folks have been through a nightmare and we've got to keep working together with partners on all levels to see them pull through the ongoing effects of the flooding disaster. I'm happy FEMA responded to our requests to grant these folks an extra boost when they need it most."

“This is good news for the folks on the Rocky Boy’s Indian Reservation because it means the community can focus on rebuilding,” Tester said. “This is the right decision from FEMA and the administration because it will help get the recovery money to the ground faster, which will mean a faster timeline for rebuilding the clinic, homes, and businesses that were damaged or destroyed during the flooding.”

Baucus and Tester urged the administration to allow the tribe to prioritize rebuilding by agreeing to waive the cost share.

Today’s decision by FEMA means that tribe will not have to come up with money to pay for 25 percent of the damage.  The federal government will pay for 100% of all eligible public assistance projects.
