Baucus, Tester statements on Trooper David A. Graham

Late MHP officer will be honored this week in Washington

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – Montana U.S. Senators Max Baucus and Jon Tester today released the following statements on David A. Graham, a Montana Highway Patrol officer who died in the line of duty on October 9, 2007 near Kalispell.  Graham will be honored during the National Peace Officers Memorial Service Thursday in Washington.


"Officer David Graham gave his life in service to the people of Montana, and his loss is felt by each of us.  Service is one of the most honorable things a person can do.  Whether it's service to one's community, state or country, it is the most noble of all human endeavors.  David was a hero, not only to his wife and children, but to all of us – and I'm proud to call him a Montanan."


"Montana will never forget David's life, his commitment to our state, and his ultimate sacrifice.  He's a Montana hero who gave all putting his service—and our safety—first.  Sharla and I send our thoughts and prayers to David's family and to all Americans who wear a badge."
