Tester statement on Republican filibuster of Farm Bill

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – Montana Senator Jon Tester, a third generation grain farmer, today released the following statement in response to this morning's Republican filibuster of the Farm Bill:

"I can't understand why Washington Republicans have put politics ahead of America's food security and the stability of farm and ranch country.  This Farm Bill was written by folks from both sides of the aisle and from every corner of this country and it passed out of the Ag Committee without a dissenting vote.  It's a winner for America and a winner for Montana.

I've seen a lot of ridiculous things in the eleven months that I've been in Washington.  Folks actually debating about whether or not to debate or the President vetoing health care for children.  But this may top the list.

Family farm agriculture is too important to play cheap political games with—and the Republicans need to stop obstructing this vital legislation.  I know firsthand how important the farm program is and I'll continue to fight for it.  The Senate needs to debate this legislation, vote on it, pass it and send it to the President."
