Politico: Two of Jon Tester’s bills have become law this year. That’s more than anyone else in Congress.

by Katherine Tully-McManus

What’s happening: Sen. Jon Tester has something that none of his colleagues in either chamber have to tout during the August recess: two standalone bills that cleared the divided Congress and were signed into law.

Tester (D-Mont.) chairs the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, and both of the bills came through that panel: one on compensation benefits for disabled veterans and another on Veterans Affairs construction projects.

“Montanans expect their elected officials to put politics aside and deliver real results for our state,” said Tester in a statement.

Run the numbers: Only a dozen bills have been signed into law so far in the 118th Congress, a marker of how tough it is to write and move legislation that can win the backing of both the Republican House and the Democratically controlled Senate. Only two other Democrats, Rep. Seth Moulton (D-Mass.) and Sen. Gary Peters (D-Mich.) have had their bills signed into law this year.

Other bills in the dozen include a commemorative coin proposal and the renaming of a building. Still ahead this year are massive pieces of annual legislation that include entire bills from an array of lawmakers, all packaged together on defense, federal spending and federal aviation.

On the trail: Tester is sure to highlight his record this year on the campaign trail across Montana, where he’s one of the most vulnerable Senate Democrats up for reelection this cycle. Republicans will be coming after Tester hard, led by his fellow Montanan Steve Daines, who is heading up the National Republican Senatorial Committee.

“I always work with anyone – Republican or Democrat – to get common sense legislation passed that helps lower costs for Montana’s working families, ensures our military has the tools it needs to keep our country safe, and honors the commitment we made to our nation’s veterans,” Tester said.

Tester hasn’t been afraid to buck his party, voting more than a dozen times so far this year against his party’s line, to back GOP attempts to roll back Biden administration regulations and for Republican amendments.
