NBC Montana: Tester, Daines, Zinke, Rosendale restart Montana Coffee

by NBC Montana

WASHINGTON — U.S. Senators Jon Tester and Steve Daines, and Congressmen Ryan Zinke and Matt Rosendale, announced that Montana’s congressional delegation will restart Montana Coffee on Mar. 1.

The following was sent out by the Montana Delegation:

Today U.S. Senators Jon Tester and Steve Daines, and Congressmen Ryan Zinke and Matt Rosendale, announced that Montana’s congressional delegation will restart Montana Coffee on March 1st. The bipartisan weekly meeting provides an opportunity for Montanans visiting Washington D.C. to meet face-to-face with their representatives over a cup of coffee.

“Hearing directly from Montanans is the most important part of my job and the best way to make sure we’re delivering results for them,” said Tester, who has been hosting Montana coffee since 2007. “I’m glad we’re re-starting our weekly bipartisan meetings, where Montanans visiting Washington can share their feedback and ideas over a cup of coffee. This is a longstanding tradition that I’m looking forward to teaming up with our delegation once again on so we can even better serve our bosses — the people of Montana.”

“Meeting with Montanans is always the best part of my day — I’m glad to finally resume Montana Coffee and welcome Montanans to our nation’s capital,” said Daines. “Congress is here to serve, not be served, and as Montana’s Senator, I believe it’s best to hear directly from Montanans about the issues facing them and their families. I look forward to meeting you over a cup of coffee; Washington, D.C. could always use more Montanans!”

“I am glad to restart this tradition with Senators Daines and Tester and welcome Congressman Rosendale to Montana coffee. Our delegation has a long tradition of getting together every week, regardless of party, with neighbors from Eureka to Alzada and everywhere in between,” said Zinke. “Our job is to do right by the people of Montana and that means knowing where they stand. My time in the military has taught me I rarely get the best intel from the bureaucracy at headquarters, so I look forward to learning form the Montanans on the front line every day.”

“Montanans deserve representation in Washington that listens and responds to their concerns, questions, and ideas,” said Rosendale. “I’m proud to join Montana’s delegation in hosting regular coffee meetings with constituents to have productive conversations and learn how we can better serve you and your families.”

Tester, Daines, Zinke, Rosendale restart Montana Coffee | KECI (nbcmontana.com)
