Helena Independent Record: Tester showed real leadership

by Dave Chadwick

In helping negotiate a bipartisan federal infrastructure proposal, Jon Tester has once again demonstrated why Montanans keep electing him to the Senate.

Thanks to his hard work, we are looking at the very real possibility that a long overdue federal reinvestment in our highways, water systems, electrical grid and natural resources will happen this year. Will Democrats get everything they want? No. Will Republicans? No. But Montana – and America – will get a lot more than the nothing that would result from the usual gridlock.

We are lucky to have a senator who is more interested in real results than political wins.

Make no mistake about it, Jon Tester doesn’t back down one inch on our Montana values. Unlike most elected officials, he is also willing to do the hard work to negotiate policies that back up those values. Other Montana elected officials are busy ranting on TV talk shows, taking junkets to the Mexican border, and grandstanding about the culture war of the day. Jon Tester is sitting down with people, working through disagreements, building consensus, and getting legislation over the finish line.

That’s what real leadership looks like.


