Tax Plan Repealed

Bozeman Daily Chronicle

by Dan Person

An unpopular provision in the new health care law that requires businesses to file tax forms when they make payments to corporations has been repealed by the Senate.

Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., has repeatedly called for the new reporting requirements to be repealed because they are so unpopular with small businesses, and renewed his vow to get it repealed to a group of Bozeman businessmen recently.

After the vote, Baucus said repealing the provision “will cut red tape and free up resources so employers can focus more on hiring new workers and less on filing paperwork.”

Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., also applauded the vote.

“This is the right thing to do because it cuts red tape in a fiscally responsible way, allowing Montana’s small businesses to focus on creating jobs,”Tester said.

The bill now moves to the House for approval.
