Rally in the rain: Hunters and anglers protest public land transfer

Helena Independent Record

by Thom Bridge

As the clock struck noon Saturday, bus loads of hunters and anglers from across the state took to the steps of the Capitol to protest the proposed legislation transferring federal lands to the state’s control.

“I want you all to close your eyes and think of your favorite public land,” said Land Tawnee, Executive Director of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, at the start of the rally. “Now think of it with a no trespassing sign on it.”

Nearly three hundred people, huddled under umbrellas or wrapped in rain suits, stood supporting the preservation of public lands Saturday. Among them were advocates and representatives of the Montana Wildlife Federation, Montana Wilderness Association and Backcountry Hunters and Anglers.

“As humans we are tied to place, we remember exactly where we were when we caught that first trout, or that first peak we climbed,” said Senator Jon Tester. “We can not let those treasured places be sold to the highest bidder, because that is the agenda behind what they are after.”

Read more here: http://helenair.com/news/local/rally-in-the-rain-hunters-and-anglers-protest-public-land/article_4292d096-38fc-5c17-bf5d-784beb3e940b.html
