Tester defends VA, calls to hold abusers responsible

Havre Daily News

by Tim Leeds

U.S. Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont ., said Wednesday that while he wants to investigate and prosecute alleged abuse of the system by Veterans Administration health care officials, the system needs more resources, not attacks.

Tester in a telephone press conference from Washington said Montana veterans tend to tell him that while there are problems, there are some “great people” providing health care to veterans in the program.

“That’s from the folks using the services,” he said.

Tester said surveys of Montana veterans show 9 out of 10 like the service they receive, but also show a need for increased access to that service.

Read more here: http://www.havredailynews.com/story/2014/06/05/local/tester-defends-va-calls-to-hold-abusers-responsible/301068.html

