Tester critical of Obama's action in Libya

Montana Standard

by Justin Post

U.S. Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., says President Barack Obama should have consulted with Congress before authorizing military action in Libya.

While visiting Butte Saturday, Tester told The Montana Standard that lawmakers on Capital Hill needed to provide input before the U.S. took action.

"I wish the president would have conferred with Congress before he went in," he said.

Tester said he and other lawmakers were briefed on the situation last week and that he understands the rationale behind military action.

Yet, he called for a quick end to U.S. involvement.

"It has got to be a short story," Tester said. "If we are there for an extended period of time, it is not good."

Meanwhile, Tester noted that Russia, China, India and Brazil all opted against having involvement in Libya.

While U.S. allies in Europe are supporting the effort, he says more involvement is needed on a global level during future actions.

"We can't be the world's cops," Tester said.
